Saturday, February 26, 2011
If you are not Happy
Friday, February 25, 2011
My Childhood
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
My Children
My second daughter with her happy go lucky attitude is really obsessed with the Korean pop group. She can sing their songs and even looked up in the internet to learn how to speak in Korean language.
Birthday Celebration
Sunday, February 20, 2011
A message from my best friend
1 Malaysia
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
"To be effective, teachers must connect with and care for children with warmth, respect and trust,"author of thesaid David Bergin, associate professor of educational psychology, and the author other article. "In addition, it is important for schools to make children feel secure and valued, which can liberate them to take on intellectual and social relations and ideas."
To help enhance student challenges and ideas the authors offer research-based tips for teachers and schools:
1. Increase warm, positive interactions with students
2. Be well prepared for class and hold high expectations
3. Be responsive to students' agendas by providing choices
4. Use reasoning rather than coercive discipline that damages relationships
5. Help students be kind, helpful and accepting of one another
6. Implement interventions for difficult relations with specific students
1. Provide a variety of extracurricular activities for students to join
2. Keep schools small
3. Keep students with the same teachers and/or peers across years
4. Decrease transitions in and out of the classroom
5. Facilitate transitions to new schools or teachers
-Science Daily Report ( June 2009 )
1. Your children need you to be the boss, especially teenagers. Although they may act like they know everything, you know that they do not. Tell your children when they do wrong and correct them. Punish them if necessary. Do not let them be in charge
2. Be a parent, not a friend. Sometimes parents act like a child to get their child to like them. If you act like a child, you will be viewed as a child. Your children will not respect you. Your children need you to be a parent worse than they need you to be a friend
3. Never be mean. Children need parents to explain their actions. Do not give the reason "because I said so". Have a reason for your decisions. A happy child is one who understands why they can't do certain things. Always listen to your children. If you give a child attention when they want it they will be happy. Never ignore your child
4. Love, discipline, and respect will make a child happier than any gift. If you live a child with these thing they will return the love and respect to you
5. Teach them moral and religion dicipline so they can grow up to be humble and kind hearted.
Friday, February 11, 2011
Hari Khamis - Hari Merah Kuning
Si kembar Nina dan Nani. Wahhhh! seronoknya bergayut....dalam suka-suka masih ada malu-malu. Yang di depan tu Nani dan yang terselit tu Nina. Nampak tak tag nama pada Nina dan Nani? Bukan apa takut cikgu keliru......tapi sebab tengok mereka hari-hari dah boleh bezakan, yang mana satu Nina dan yang mana satu Nani. Kalau tengok dari depan Nani ada tahi lalat di atas bibir. Kalau tengok dari belakang pula Nani lebih tinggi dari Nina...kedua-duanya kalau tersenyum memang manis macam gula-gula. Mereka berdua ni pandai betul bermain hula-hoop, sambil berjalan, sambil melutut hula-hoopnya tetap berpusing...kat lutut pun boleh..
Wah! Shaffiq anak Cikgu Mel memang suka berkawan dan kelakar orangnya. Setiap pagi dialah orang pertama yang ucap ' Good Morning Teacher Layli' walaupun cikgunya tak sampai pagar sekolah pun lagi. ' Good Morning Shaffiq'. Sebelahnya ialah Jay-Jay ( berasal dari Sabah...ehh...ehh..kenapa tak pakai baju sukan ni?) dan yang di belakang tu ialah Terry ( orang Sabah jugak bah..). Tengok Terry tu......dah basah baju berpeluh......Bila exercise keluar peluh barula badan kita sihat....
Welcome to my small world
We can see Fareez, Erick, Xavier, Qays and Dharmessh taking a break after playing. The weather is good today...
The jolly girls of 1 Malaysia. Standing from the left is Dhivasini, Afiqah, Syarwa, Aisyah, Fatma, Lai Mun and Tanuja. They are in Butterfly class of 5 years old except for Dhivasini and Afiqah. Smile girls......peace......
Later I have a story to tell....about my kindergarten friend.
This is Jawi class for 6 years old. Facing us is Asyraaf, Adlina, Erick, ( tutup mulutnya Raziq, nanti masuk lalat!), Danial and Shaffiq. Raziq just joined us this he is keeping up with our method of teaching....